Ethical issues concerning the advertising and marketing of a specific business is a very critical and hot topic until now. As consumers, I think we all might have had experienced times when we feel like we were given untruth advertising or marketing and we feel violated because it is our right as buyers or customers to know the truth. We can say that it is for the benefit of the business to make their products or service appealing, but then again the truth will always be set free and then we will know if the business is truly giving out what is real about their product or service to the public. In the long run, the business will be the one affected by this because it will hurt their reputation, that's why in the first place they should have not done the untruthful advertising/marketing. What they can do is to just improve on their product or service and make it truly appealing to the market, and that's what they should market and advertise to the customers.
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17, Philippines, BS-ENT at DLSU
A chinky eyed damsel doll who likes iced blended coffees, milk teas and anything pink, thinks coffee shops are the loveliest places on earth, believes she belongs at the beach, has extreme feels for edm music and a sucker for princes and princesses. Welcome and sneak into her little space *u*
In this blog is a collection of her outfits, photographs and everything else she finds fancy. She hopes you'll like your stay here. Happy viewing!