This particular journal, I would like to talk about how effective the decision making model is. Whenever we answer a case, the step by step procedure makes it easier for us to arrive at a decision and also lessen the possible mistakes we might commit along the decision making process. This model does not only guide us but also makes the process more clear. Whenever we discuss a certain case, our discussions are improved by using the model because everyone gets to contribute per stage and not only share their solutions right away. The decision making model is very flexible since we can also apply it to every situation in our life because at all times, it requires taking into consideration stakeholders or most of the time the people involved in our lives. This is a fair way of decision making, while it is systematic, the benefits of doing so or following the models helps me, particularly, apply my virtues well and never forget about the people being affected by my decision. Overall it helps me show more of myself in every decision I make and the model helps a lot with it.